This YouTube video tutorial describes how the Synology DSM Firewall and Auto-Block mechanisms work with each other, and how to figure out whats happening when things don’t work as expected. Practical look at a real setup in operation.
In the video…
-2 places for rules:
#1-CP> Security> Firewall #Set actual firewall rules (This is MAIN firewall engine)
#2-CP> Security> Account #Set “AutoBlock”(allow/block lists) and #attempts/WithinMinutes
This YouTube video tutorial describes how the Synology DSM Firewall and Auto-Block mechanisms work with each other, and how to figure out whats happening when things don’t work as expected. Practical look at a real setup in operation.
In the video…
-2 places for rules:
#1-CP> Security> Firewall #Set actual firewall rules (This is MAIN firewall engine)
#2-CP> Security> Account #Set “AutoBlock”(allow/block lists) and #attempts/WithinMinutes